Last Updated: January 31, 2023.
Ayo! Made in Brooklyn Games here. You know, we're just like you, out here tryin' to hustle in the Big Apple. And keeping our gamers’ privacy on lockdown?
That's just the Brooklyn way. Let's get into it.
This info refers to websites and other online properties we control, including hessvacio.com and museummultiverse.com.
1. Our Stance on Data
Look, we ain’t out here snooping on ya. Made in Brooklyn Games doesn’t snag any deets straight from our games. Nah, instead, we lean on the intel given to us by those platforms where you find our epic games. You got beef with data collection? Check out their privacy policies, aight?
2. Mailing Lists and When You Holler at Us
Spilling Info to Us:
Join our mailing list? Mad respect! We’ll hold onto whatever you tell us. Wanna dip out? Just use this link, and poof, you're outta there, no strings attached. Need a hand? Sometimes we might need your username (wherever you copped our game) but that’s just for the issue at hand, nothin’ fishy.
Give us your email? We'll keep it 100 and only holla for what you told us to. None of that sneaky email spam nonsense unless you opted in for our newsletters.
3. The Nitty-Gritty
Young Bloods Under 16:
We ain't about taking info from the kiddos. If you're younger than 16, get your folks on board before you sign up for our stuff.
Scrubbing Your Tracks:
Bounce from our mailing list using this link anytime. And just a heads up - we ain't scooping data from our games, so we can't wipe that info even if you asked. You got issues? Hit up the platform's privacy policy where you snagged our game.
4. Got Questions or Feelin’ Some Type of Way?
You ever feel uneasy or got some queries? Don't be shy. Hit us up; we're all ears.
Stay true, Brooklyn style. Made in Brooklyn Games, out.
You can contact us by email at info[dot]mibkg@gmail[dot]com